fredag den 8. januar 2010

Corporate Leaching Ads

OK, Big Business is here to stay.

It's not a secret that "Ecology", "Power Saving", "Green", & "Fair Trade" sells. So why not "Humanitarian Research"? There is a program on the net called BIONIC Manager. You can dedicate your PC power to "help" researchers with their work by lending some of your CPU &/or GPU power on your home PC.

But need we settle for the good will of the people, when shops displaying PC's PS3's, etc, can "advertise" that they're helping AIDS Research? It doesn't have to be that, it can be other diseases, looking for stars & planets, even helping out Hollywood make a new movie.

But not only shop owners can benefit from this "advertisement", OEM firm can too! Just bundle it! They're good at bundling things that you don't need or want, why not do it with a halo around your head?

torsdag den 7. januar 2010

Once upon a time...

Only in America can Once upon a time happen after 8 years of Goofy!

I told you he was Pre-Fab! I come from the land of "The Little Mermaid", & I know how it begins & how it's supposed to end. & they lived happily ever after till their days end, was how it was "supposed" to be. That was "After" 00Bama took care of 00Cama. But Wii DON'T live in a "Fairy Tail", & in "Real Life", "Jack" gets squashed by that nasty giant for stealing "Golden Eggs" from "Heaven". Not that "Jack" didn't do his best to try to cut down that "Mr. Bean Stock", but YouSee Walt Disney is new, Hans Christian is of old, & it's Veterans day in Danmark!

Not that I don't mind imitations, it's just that I've heard so many "complain" about all these "Cheap Chinese Rip Offs"! BTW, did anyone else know that Hans Christian was a "Prince", who got "Black Listed" by his own family? Because he was "Tossed"...

An "Alternative" to FAILED "Socialism"

Before ruling out a System as tried & failed. We must look at why a system failed. What went wrong? Communism didn't respect the individual's right to "own" things. The State owned everything. To have a sense of ownership, people were forced to become a member of the ONLY Party allowed in a Communist State. The efforts of the individual's were also "disregarded" & therefore it was ALWAYS pointless to put in an extra effort. We have already 3 reasons why FAILURE was predestined, A)You don't own a thing. B)You can only get a job one place. C)It never pays off to work more than everyone else.

If in an "Alternative Socialist State" we didn't have these 3 major reasons to FAIL. We just might be able to have a form of "Socialism" where you can own things, you DON'T have to work for The State, & it does pay off to work overtime.

torsdag den 31. december 2009

Full Metal Jacket "Wacked Islamic Version"

If I were Staff Sgt. Muslim finding a "Piggy Delight" in GI Jane's box. (A reason why I tell girls to stay away from me, after having disappointed me too many times) This is how I would make that scene.

Ever watched "Full Metal Jacket"? The scene where the Sgt finds a "Jelly Donut" that had been taken in from the mess-hall?

If I was Staff Sgt. Muslim, I would make the scene like this, & yes, this is how I would treat GI JANE, or any other woman who has ANY hopes or plans to become my wife or even girlfriend. PS, I don't hate women, but I have too many enemies & God has forbidden me to do what I used to do before I took my Faith more seriously. (One night stands)

GI JANE! what is this "Piggy Delight" doing in UR box?! I have FORBIDDEN U to eat "Piggy Delights" EVEN in the mess-hall! U know that ANY & ALL things from the mess-hall DON'T belong in UR box! U have FAILED ME GI JANE! U owe me 1 million push ups for that FAILURE! But because I love U so VERY MUCH! U don't have to give me a SINGLE one! UR "Company" has therefore been AWARDED that task. Until THEY help U to ACHIEVE ´that 1 million push ups, they will not be given ANY OTHER TASKS, OTHER THEN to GIVE ME that 1 million push ups that U, GI JANE OWE ME!

onsdag den 30. december 2009


I could be mean, I could be nice. I'm too angry to be nice, but I don't want to waste time being overly nasty either.

Ok, so you chose the world. Problem is, the world is not forever, & it's hard to stay focused on the world, when mortality issues start to become a chilling reminder of the fact that we all must go, sooner or later.

What's done is done & life goes on. Those who became sick or crippled, are now in need of assistance, as not to join the ranks of the departed, in a faster than could be desired, rate of progress.

Therefore, we hope now that "Science" can help "Mankind", in a way that "Mankind" might, or might not believe that God can. I myself drink water - when thirsty, eat food - when hungry, use clothes - when cold, take an aspirin - when an headache hurts my head, & live indoors - when in need of housing. That I choose to thank The Lord for all these things, is just something "I" chose to do.

Many Sci-fi fans have a pc a home. So, help urselves to help urselves, by "crunching" as much data as possible, to help scientists find a cure for whatever it is u need a cure for. Whether that be an illness, or food issues, or whatever it is that these sites might offer. The net is full of BIONIC Manager Projects, but they do need UR pc's to help them, help U.

tirsdag den 29. december 2009

Life On C

I like watching the news. It's better than watching "The Comedy Channel". But why would you say such an awful thing?! Because it's sad, but true. Even back in the early 90s I still remembered being in a friends apartment, watching the news & hearing that WMD's were used in South Yemen. Only to quickly go on to the next story, & it was NEVER repeated, nor will they EVER admit to have EVER said what "I thought" they had said. It just NEVER happened.

Examples like that have happened more & more often during the last decade, & now I only watch the news, because I still like comedy.

What would people think, if I were to say that not only was it Slim Shady, in the song "My Name is", by "EMINEM", that was lied to 99,9% of his life. But more like 99,9% of the world was lied to 99,9% of the time. I guess that the number of the Beast actually was 999. We're all living in a better society, singing happy little lies.

But they'll label you as a lunatic, if you say such a thing!!! Too late, they've labeled me already! What's important to know, is that they'll label you too, if you try to do the same thing. But, it's quite okay, they've labeled so many already, & in the end, they won't have a prison, mental ward, or even a concentration camp, that's big enough to keep us all in there. Every time they have to lock down a city, island, nation, or even continent. It requires a silly amount of resources, & in time, everybody knows that the lies are the truth & the truth are the lies. It's just a different way of talking that becomes the official language of the land.

I'll keep on "Hysterically" yapping away with "Delusional" accusations of "'Conspiracy Theories". In the end, the truth will be known. After a time of utter paranoia where nobody knows what's up & what's down, the truth will be know as the unspoken truth. Maybe one day, we can all speak our minds. But until then, it's "Timmy Time".